The Self Improvement Toolshop

tools to make you a better you

Free Special Report


 Today I have something free for you.  It is a report about working at home.  This report is sold for $97.00 but I have a special way of letting you get it for free.

The good thing about working at home and a second income/business  is that there is no commute, and no boss.  You are the boss. 

This report can give you financial freedom.  It can definitely widen your options.  The more choices you have the less you feel you are in a box with no way out.

Expand your horizons.  Give yourself more choices and possibilities.  Make your world bigger.  Start to take a dream to a reality. 

You know where you are in life.  But where do you want to go?  Can you get there doing what you are doing now?  Think of all the time you spend wishing, hoping, dreaming, complaining, dealing.  Take that effort and have it benefit you.

So here is the secret to get the report at no cost.  Click on the gold key.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

April 30, 2007 Posted by | change, choice, home business, how to succeed, self improvement, success, work at home, work at home business | Leave a comment

Say Hi to Your Inner Child

scan001324.jpg   I am very excited that I was offered an experience to participate in a blog tag.  I had to do some extra work but it was worth it.  I got to see some exciting, new blogs to expand my mind.  I hope you had the same experience.

I am also a little giddy about this.  It may seem childish but what is wrong with being childish?

Which leads me to today’s post.

A while back there was a movement about your inner child.  I think we should review that. 

How often are you in touch with your inner child?  We all want to avoid our inner child when we may feel the need to whine, tantrum, vent.  This is the part of our inner child we fight and try to ignore. 

Yet it is with us and what exactly is wrong with feeling and doing this once in a while?  Can you be childish and admit it?  I am not talking about taking out all of your drama on others.  I am talking about admitting and recognizing that sometimes this is who you are and where you are at.  So why not be imperfect and enjoy it? 

Just be careful to let everyone around you know that your inner, cranky, child is emerging so they can take cover. 

There is also the other side of your inner child where you feel excited, happy, vital.  This can happen when you are in love, got a pleasant surprise, did something for someone else etc.

So say hi to your inner child and enjoy your inner child whether they are being playful or cranky.  Being playful gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling. 

Being cranky lets you know you are imperfect.  This is a great relief in being imperfect.  The weight of the world is off your shoulders. 

So this week end spend some time with your inner child.  Remember to be thoughtful of those around you if your inner child acts out.  Actually you can sound the warning either way that your inner child is here and see what happens.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

April 28, 2007 Posted by | self improvement, shortcomings | 2 Comments

5 Blogs I Tagged


I did It.  I found 5 blogs to tag.  This was work for me.  I think these are blogs that are tag worthy.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

April 27, 2007 Posted by | confidence, how to succeed | 2 Comments

Tag I am It

scan001322.jpg   I have been tagged.  Being tagged is a communication game.  It is a way for bloggers to highlight other blogs they like and admire.  Once you get tagged you answer the questions that are being passed around.  Then you get to tag other bloggers. 

I got tagged a couple of days ago and then the post disappeared.  I am glad I got re tagged and the post is now visable so I can get to join in. 

I got tagged by  I just checked out this blog and I like it.  Lots of great ideas and tips and insight. 

The tag topic is 5 Reasons Why I Blog

1. I like to share valuable, helpful, useful information with you.

2. I was a frustrated, closet writer and I can finally express myself.

3. I do have products I would like you to purchase. I can showcase them in my blog.

4. I enjoy writing and communicating.

5. I like the idea of choosing a topic and expressing it clearly, concisely and in an entertaining manner.

So now I have partially bared my soul to you.  I try to avoid talking about myself because this blog is for you.  And I talk about myself a lot with people I know so it is good to get out of that mode. 

Now I have to tag 5 people.  I will have to do that in another post because I have to locate the links etc.  technical stuff.  I am not technical yet. 

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

PS Still love to hear from you.

April 27, 2007 Posted by | about me, self improvement | 1 Comment

Get Paid to Read E Mail

scan001320.jpg   Just thought I would pass this on to you.  I joined this site where I get paid to read e mails.  This is not a gimmick.  YOU DO NOT PAY TO JOIN THIS SITE.  THEY PAY YOU.

You get lots of e mails that you read so why not get paid to read them.  You choose the topics you are interested in.  The e mails are on a web page so they will not clutter your in box.

I think this is great for your kids.  They can make some cash while at home under your supervison.

Maybe you know some people that are addicted to their computer.  This could be good for them.  So pass along the site or sign up yourself. 

Get Paid to Read E Mails

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

April 26, 2007 Posted by | work, work at home | Leave a comment

Marketing, Advertising a System

scan001318.jpg   I know I had a lot of information on Niche Advertising Secrets.  I also know it was a big post.

I also know you are busy and in a hurry but please do not make a hasty business decision.  Please get and absorb all the knowledge you need.  Once you have made your decision then act without haste.


I would like to tell you a short story.

I went to observe a motivational/sales trainer.  He was talking to a group of car salesmen.  He suggested a technique to get some customers.  It was unique, unusual and off beat.  He told the salesmen to leave their business cards (lots of them) in certain places such as waiting rooms, spots events etc. 

That may get you one or two customers but you would not want to count on this.  This was a free for all tip.  This was a maybe this will work tip.

You can not run your business and count on these things.  You must have a system that is generating income for you.  That is why you should get Niche Advertising Secrets.  It shows you a system.  It has a plan you can implement.  This is why Niche Advertising Secrets will propel your business forward. 

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

April 25, 2007 Posted by | home business, how to succeed, internet marketing, self improvement, success, work at home business | Leave a comment

Niche Advertising Secrets

scan001317.jpg    This is for internet marketers that want better success, better subscribers and better traffic.  This product stresses that more is not better.  This product stresses that more subscribers, more traffic is not better subscribers nor better traffic. 

Sounds good but what does it mean.  Suppose you are marketing baby toys.  You place an ad in your local paper.  Who reads your local paper?  Probably everyone which means lots of people that have no intent of ever buying baby toys.  Who reads your local paper that has an interest in buying baby toys?  Probably a  small percentage of those that read the local paper. 

The price you are paying for the ad in your local paper is to market to all the readers.  You are not paying a special, reduced price to market to people that buy baby toys.  Therefore you are paying a price for 10,000 people to see your ad when in reality only 2000 people may be your target market.  Direct proof that more is not better.

Now that I have told you this why buy the product?  Because the product tells you the secret how and where to advertise to a targeted market with little or no money.  That is where the value of this product lies. 


And for those that want more, better details here they are.

This product will show you quick & easy techniques for finding places to advertise that your competitors’ have no clue about.

If you don’t have time to do it yourself, the product give you tips, tricks and techniques for outsourcing some of the most effective advertising methods!

Also show you how to find pay-per-click and other advertising that is specific to your niche and is often much more targeted than the standard Google or Yahoo pay-per-click opportunities (that your competitors are probably working on saturating anyway).

Additionally “Here Are Just Some Of The Amazing Secrets, Tips & Techniques You’ll Discover In This Course!”

  • How to prepare your site and business to make it “niche advertising-friendly” (page 25)
  • What every good advertising source is going to look for on your web site and how to implement it quickly (page 27)
  • The four *battle-tested* strategies for finding the best places to advertise in any niche (page 54)
  • Learn the covert methods we use to focus in on a new target market and learn everything about it in a short time. (page 169)
  • How to quickly avoid the #1 Mistake advertisers make that needlessly costs them thousands of extra dollars in advertising per year. (page 92)
  • The ways we use little-known features of search engines to find hidden advertising “gems” (page 67)
  • The “right” way to create your ads so they get buyers to not only click to your site, but preps them to rip out their wallets and buy in the process! (page 33)
  • Our technique for finding PPC engines that are tailored to your industry or niche and no, we’re not talking about Google and Yahoo here. (page 65)
  • The best and most reliable ways to finding the best ezines and newsletters to advertise in. (page 84)
  • How to run an ad to build a list of thousands in as little as two weeks. (page 50)
  • The fastest and BEST strategy to run an ad to generate $$$ thousands of dollars in sales… sometimes in just a few days! (page 51)
  • How to *spy* on your competition and steal their best ad secrets! (page 66)
  • Learn the underground method we have for finding out what your competitors’ affiliates are promoting so you can determine the best place to advertise. (page 67)
  • The best “offline” method we have for finding the “offbeat” advertising places that will run your ads for next-to-nothing! (page 68)
  • How conducting a small survey can help you create high-conversion ads (page 71)
  • Find out how much traffic a site your considering advertising with is really getting and if their numbers are in fact true! (page 86)
  • How to construct an offer that will have the site owner/publisher *begging* to do business with you! (page 146)
  • The *exact words* to say to the site owner/publisher when approaching them. (We’ll give you actual call scripts of what we say to the site owners.) (page 151)
  • How including just one simple line in an email to a publisher can create a relationship that can make you tens of thousands of dollars every year for the rest of your life! (page 152)
  • Find out which ads work best and why (so you can keep running the winners and avoid the losers!) (page 38)
  • How to quickly determine your visitor value and conversion statistics to save you money on the front end and make you big bucks on the back end! (page 19)

And much more…

The bottom line is that this product will show you how to save money by advertising effectively and getting the customers that you want and that want your product.  

For your better success and convenience just click here to get it now.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

April 24, 2007 Posted by | how to succeed | Leave a comment

A Better You Made Easy

scan001316.jpg  I always like to find products and  information that can help you become a better you. I particularly like products from people that accomplished something.  Not people that were born well off and then proceeded to become more well off.  That is not us.  I know you are not swimming in wealth.  I know you want to obtain more income and you are probably starting from scratch.  That is why I would like you to read about John Harricharan.  I never heard of him either.   He is not a celeb just a person that changed his life.  He had tragedy and sorrow and created a way of overcoming that.  He has a technique that is a THREE MINUTE, THREE STEP daily plan.  I know that sounds incredible but so is his life and what he overcame.  If you are not interested in wealth but are interested in self improvement this will still be useful to you.  Things do not have to be hard and complex.  Things can be easy and work for you. 


Outstanding businessman, lecturer and award-winning author, John Harricharan, is a unique blend of East and West. A naturalized U.S. citizen born in Guyana, South America of East Indian heritage, he is truly a multi-cultural, global personality. Yet, with his professional background, he also exhibits a rare sensitivity and charismatic delivery which have earned him well deserved respect and acclaim.

However, he was to know failure as well as success. The events that led to both are incorporated in his lectures and are chronicled in his books, which, rather than being stories of loss and sadness are, instead, inspiring tales of courage, strength and the dignity of the human spirit. He has shared the lecture platform with such well-known speakers as Deepak Chopra, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Og Mandino, Gerald Jampolsky, Foster Hibbard, Eric Butterworth, C. Everett Koop and others.

His transformational message stems from his challenging personal growth experiences. As Harricharan says, “I know what it feels like to have my car repossessed, to watch my wife die of cancer, to lose all earthly possessions and start again from ground zero. I also know what it feels like to write an award-winning book, to be written about in others’ books and to be featured in the same book with His Royal Highness, Prince Philip of Great Britain, the Dalai Lama and Paul and Linda McCartney. The contrasts bring compassion and sensitivity to one’s life.”

Bright, well-educated and professional in demeanor, John brings a welcome, pragmatic approach to his lectures, as an outstanding example where the message and the messenger are one.Not only does John share his personal tragedies; he shares the extraordinary tools he uses to overcome his challenges. He meets his audience filled with energy and enthusiasm. His approach is inspirational and motivational, contagiously so and always, always memorable.

Not only is Harricharan a dynamic speaker, but he also reveals himself to be an extraordinary, compelling author. His award-winning book, When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat was named ‘Best Book of the Year’ by the American Bookdealers Exchange. Its sequel, Morning Has Been All Night Coming has been drawing rave reviews. Both books are published in the U.S. and Canada by Berkley Books. In the U.K., Australia and New Zealand they are published by HarperCollins and are also availabIe in Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese editions.

Harricharan graduated summa cum laude, with degrees in chemistry and an MBA from Rutgers University. He started his career with Fortune 500 corporations and worked his way into upper level executive positions. His corporate expertise encompasses areas as varied as Production Management, Research and Development and Marketing. He then proceeded, by blending his knowledge of the corporate world with his entrepreneurial talents, to build an extremely successful business with offices in the Caribbean, Europe, Africa and India. He finally switched from managing his company into what he really loves to do. So now he travels extensively, speaking at seminars and consulting for corporations, organizations and a private clientele worldwide. His extensive experience coupled with his knowledge of multi-cultural inter-relationships afford him the ability to relate to diverse cultures with respect and integrity.

Quotes by John Harricharan …

“The subconscious reacts very quickly to strong emotions or feelings. Whatever it is you vividly imagine, the subconscious thinks is actually happening. The subconscious, if instructed properly, is like a faithful, obedient servant who fulfills your every wish.” — John Harricharan“If you do not feel you deserve good things, subconsciously, you will do all within your power to punish yourself by not getting those good things. So the feeling of deserving is a very important thing”
John Harricharan

“Fear cannot exist in the presence of faith. Fear only exists because you feel that you are not in control. Give up the need to be in control, take a leap in faith and fear will vanish as the mists in the morning sun.” — John Harricharan


Do check this out.  Your life can be changed. 

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

April 23, 2007 Posted by | change, how to succeed, self improvement, success, true success story | 4 Comments

Life or Death Factors for your Website


 Websites.  How do you monetize them?  Are there building blocks to do this?  Yes there is and this article explains the essentials for a money making web site. 


6 “Life or Death” Factors For Any Website! 

 by Jim Edwards – All Rights reserved


Not a week goes by that half a dozen people don’t ask me what separates a great, money-making website from a bad one. In response, I surveyed of a number of different websites, large and small, to find what they share in common to make them so successful.

With few exceptions, every extraordinarily great website contained the following elements.

 ** Testimonials ** Every great website has testimonials from satisfied customers. These testimonials help set the potential customer’s mind at ease that the products or services sold online will perform as promised. Truly great testimonials not only endorse the product, but clearly state how the product increased sales, saved money, or benefited previous buyers in very specific and tangible ways. Testimonials should present real benefits others can readily identify with, understand and, more importantly, want those same results for themselves!

** Headlines ** Headlines capture visitors’ attention and get them involved in the website. How do you read the newspaper? If you read like most people the headlines first catch your attention and determine whether you’ll actually read a story. Similarly headlines on a website determine whether visitors get involved in the information or surf away never to return. My own experience has shown that the proper headlines can easily and quickly double, triple, or even quadruple a website’s sales almost overnight. ** Bullets

** Bullets** communicate various and subtle bits of information about a product or service without making readers plow through paragraphs of information to get to the meat of a website’s offering. Bullets arouse interest, build excitement, and convey a lot of information very quickly to time-starved web surfers.

** Bonuses ** Every great website offers bonuses to people who buy, apply or fill out a form. Nothing induces someone to do business with you online like offering them something extra for taking the action you want. Offering a bonus report, tape, extended membership, extra quantities of product at a deep discount, coupons, or just about anything makes people more willing to go ahead with the purchase decision.

** Guarantees ** Everyone takes a risk whenever they buy anything from anyone. The risk centers on whether or not the product or service will perform as promised. In a retail store most people feel pretty confident the store will still exist if they need to make a return or exchange in a few days. On the web, however, that risk in making a purchase seems much higher than in the “offline” world. Every great website makes a point of specifically telling customers about their return policy and truly exceptional sites offer 100%, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantees.

People rarely take advantage of such guarantees and I have personally seen a website’s sales increase by 45% just by extending the guarantee period an additional 30 days.

** Phone numbers ** Every great website has a phone number with a real live human being on the other end who can answer questions and provide product support. So there you have it! With few exceptions this represents the formula for creating or identifying a truly great website.

Jim Edwards is the co-author of the NEW “eBook Secrets Exposed”: How to Make MASSIVE Amounts of Money – In Record Time – With Your Own eBook! WHY are some people getting positively RICH selling ebooks?  Find out how.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach 

April 22, 2007 Posted by | home business, how to succeed, self improvement, work at home business | 2 Comments

Ads that get you Sales


I just found another great article for you.  This will get you on your way to writing excellent ads that get you the reponse you want.


Why Some Ads Fail Miserably While Others Succeed Wonderfully

By David Garfinkel

© 2002 David Garfinkel

The voice on the other end of the phone was tense and
impatient.  It was a new client calling.  After we
introduced ourselves, he got right to the point: “Our
advertising isn’t working and we need some help.”

Who I was talking doesn’t matter very much, because it could
have been almost any of my clients.  That’s because,
statistically, most advertising doesn’t work – if by “work”
you mean, bring in new business.  Think about your own ads.
Even if they already generate leads or create sales for you,
don’t you have the sneakin’ suspicion they could be working
a lot better?

Here are two reasons why most ads don’t work at all – or if
they work, why they deliver far less business than they

1. Most ads don’t get the attention of your prospects.  This
is pretty basic.  It is physically impossible for prospects
to contact you unless they know about you, and if you’re
counting on them to find out about you from your
advertising, then step one is for your ad to get your
prospects’ attention.  Unfortunately, some ads actually do
get attention, but…

2. These ads get the attention of your prospect in the wrong
way.  For an ad to generate a qualified lead or create an
immediate sale, it must start off on the right foot.  That
“right foot” sets the right tone and invites a qualified
prospect to call you.  I just saw an ad in Newsweek that
still has me wondering what it’s about and why someone spent
tens of thousands of dollars on it.  (Bet it wasn’t their
own money.) 

The ad shows a boy on a bicycle flying through the air, out
in the wilderness.  The headline, in a semicircle, says,
“They will always fall before they fly.”  Since I’m not a
kid and I’m not a parent, it doesn’t do much for me. 

But wait – even if I were a parent or a kid, I still don’t
think this ad is going to sell me on anything that would
make the advertiser any money.  If I were a kid, the only
thing this ad could sell me on is taking these kind of risks
to annoy my parents.  And if I were a parent, the only thing
I can imagine this ad would sell me on is making sure my kid
never rides his mountain bike in hilly terrain – since,
obviously, the kid in the picture is on a collision course
with certain death.

I’ve got to hand it to this ad in one department – it’s
interesting.  It got my attention.  But that’s as far as it

The Headline’s The Thing

Let’s get off this negative track and look at some ads that
I am certain are making money.  These are not from a glossy
national magazine, but small ads from today’s local
newspaper.  (By the way, small ads that run in the newspaper
are usually paid for by the person who wrote them.  And
these ads get to the point and are likely to be profitable.
Hmmm… I wonder if I’m noticing a trend here… )

All I’m going to show you are the headlines of these ads.
But I promise you, the headlines are all you need to see.
Tell me if you can guess what each ad is about, and who its
target market is:

1. Lose 3-5 Pounds Per Week With The System Proven By Over
90,000 Successful Patients

2. Up To 40% Savings On Heating And Cooling Costs With A
(Brand Name) Foam Roof

3. Men And Women – Remove Unwanted Hair Today!

Now, I know what you’re thinking.  Not very clever.  Not
very hip.  In fact, those headlines are downright boring!

Hmmm.  I have two things to say about that.  First, if you
have tried everything under the sun to lose 40 pounds and
you are frustrated to the point of tears, then headline
number 1 isn’t that boring to you. (And I would say the same
regarding people in the target market for headlines 2 and

The second thing is I want to say is, yes, and it’s also
pretty boring to stand in line at the bank waiting to make a
large deposit into your business checking account.  But you
know what?  Once you’ve gotten past that boredom barrier,
it’s actually sort of nice.  You know?

And here’s some interesting news:  A good headline on your
ad will get you 90% of the way from the agony of defeat to
the ecstasy of advertising success – so you can deal with
weighty issues like the boredom barrier and what to do with
all that money.

David Garfinkel & Jim Edwards are co-authors of the NEW
“eBook Secrets Exposed”: How to Make MASSIVE Amounts of
Money – In Record Time – With Your Own eBook!
WHY are some people getting positively RICH selling ebooks?
Click Here Now

April 21, 2007 Posted by | home business, how to succeed, internet marketing | Leave a comment