The Self Improvement Toolshop

tools to make you a better you

AutoPilot Profits Rock

scan00134.jpg   Why am I still talking about AutoPilot Profits?  

If you are: 

Starting your own Internet Business

Researching your own Internet Business

Interested in increasing your money making abilities on line

Interested in putting your Internet Business on Autopilot

Then this is for you. 

Buy it, use it, make money and work less.  Get the system that will get you on your way to success. 

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach 

April 10, 2007 Posted by | auto pilot profits, how to succeed, internet marketing | 3 Comments

Success with Autopilot Profits


What is it that would make you a better you?  There are probably many things that would be on your list. 

Today the focus is on business.  Success in business (work) can make you a better you.  It is certainly on most people’s lists.  Success can equate with money, freedom. accomplishment.  All of these have to do with upping your income and business savvy. 

In my post AutoPilot Profits – A Second Look I offered you a chance to succeed by using  AutoPilot Profits.  If you did not take it (and I do not know why not) then here is a second chance.  You don’t get many second chances in life. 

Success is in your reach. 

Marcia, Your confidence Coach

PS Success comes with FREE EXTRA BONUSES.

April 9, 2007 Posted by | auto pilot profits, success | Leave a comment

Auto Pilot Profits Exposed


Today I would like to talk about business.  I will be blunt.  A lot of people want to have their own business.  A lot of people would like extra income.  A lot of people have second and third jobs.  A lot of people are exhausted.  A lot of people are working long hours.  A lot of people are working hard.  A lot of people are stretched too thin.  A lot of people need more money. 

So how do you have your home business or your second income?  Where will you ever find the time, stamina or money?  I have a solution.  It will involve your time to do this, but here is the best part.  You can do it on your own time schedule in your own home.  Suppose you have an energy burst at 10PM.  Great.  You can now do some work on your business at 10PM.   Suppose you get up extra early and have an hour to spare.  Excellent you can work on this business then.  I am talking about an internet business.  That means simply you market products on the internet. 

Here are the advantages to an internet business. 

  • Work whenever you have the time. 
  • Work at home. 
  • Fairly low start up costs. 

 These are the major obstacles to starting a business.  Time and money.  An internet business takes care of those obstacles. 

Okay you have been  considering this for a while but where to start?  There are many internet “how to products” on the market.  There are many expensive internet “how to” products on the market.  Which one will give you value for your money?  Which one will be easy to follow. 

My friend Arnold is a skeptic.  That is why I asked him to test and review Auto Pilot Profits by Ewen Chia.  I’d tell you about Ewen but I am sure you would much rather learn about his product and see if it something that would be beneficial for you. 

Read Arnold’s review and decide for yourself.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

March 22, 2007 Posted by | auto pilot profits, work at home business | 8 Comments