The Self Improvement Toolshop

tools to make you a better you

Internet Whizz Kid Discovered


The internet is a big place.  You can get lost on the internet.  Yet there are people that distinguish themselves on the internet.  They build up a following and their followers wait for their next internet secret.  This secret will help you as an Internet Marketer become a success.

Success is good.  I do believe that the definition of success is a personal one.  However, I do not believe that money can be excluded from this definition.  My daughter wants to start a refuge for animals.  If she could do that she would feel successful.  Has she been able to do this?  No.  Why?  MONEY.  She needs money to do this and perpetuate this dream. 

So if you are turned off to the idea of money and success rethink it.  Good deeds need money.  Of course you can participate in your community and do whatever non monetary tasks you choose.  But are you truly successful in addressing the problem?   Will the one dollar you give a hungry person end their hunger?  Probably not.  However, a co op food bank would be on target to address that issue.  To open and run a co op food bank you need MONEY. 

So today I present you a product that you need money to get.  This product will teach you how to make money.  Money you can spend however you see fit.  You can spend it on yourself or you can spend it on your pet project.  The point is you will have money to do with as you choose.

This product is “Internet Whizz Kid”.  It is for the budding and experienced Internet Marketers.  The internet changes and the marketing arena expands.  You have to keep up and go with the flow.  The “Interent Whizz Kid” is a brand new product.  It teaches you the latest, cutting edge, up to date internet marketing secrets. 

The reason Internet Whizz Kid is hot is because there is a secret to succeeding.  That secret can involve changing one thing in your marketing strategy.  This is called “tweaking.”  You can tweak on your own but it will be an expensive lesson.  This Whizz Kid has made a detailed study of the top “gurus” and one upped what they do. This way you can copy and and do what the experts do.  This way you become an expert. 

The Whizz Kid teaches you methods to succeed.  It is a step by step approach and easy to implement.  The best part is that you do not need your own product.  The Whizz Kid will teach you how to make money marketing other people’s products. 

If you are ready for the truth and real techniques and top secrets that will propel you upward and onward then get the Internet Whizz Kid. 

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

March 28, 2007 Posted by | internet marketing, internet whizz kid | Leave a comment