The Self Improvement Toolshop

tools to make you a better you



Please visit Dave’s page.  He is a great writer and has lots of insights I am sure you will enjoy.  His blog is entitled “How to Have Great Self Confidence”  Don’t we all want that? 

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach 

PS I will not be tagging any other blogs this time.  Honestly it is too much work for me.  I am being lazy.  I have another also reason that I will reveal in another post. 

May 23, 2007 Posted by | confidence, self improvement, success | 6 Comments

Are you in the Habit…

scan001323.jpg  Well I got tagged again.  The good thing is that the question is something that I know you will want to read about.  It is a question about habits.  We all have them.   We are usually not that conscious of them until they hit us in the face.  So here is the question and subject provided by Dave.

 “if you wanted to improve your life by changing a habit – how would you set about it?”

Another question that taxes my brain. 

What habit do you want to change?  Do you think that the change will improve your life? 

First you must identify one habit.  Next you must decide how important it is to change that habit.  This is not as easy as it sounds.  You must give this one thought because you have probably lived with this habit for most of your life.  You may have cursed this habit yet there it is popping up just when you do not want to deal with it.

You may even be comfortable with this habit in as much as you dislike it.  If you are choosing one you have been unable to get rid of after many attempts then pick another one.  The one you can not control has become too embedded in your life to tackle at this point.  Try to pick one that is newer and that you have not tackled.

Getting rid of  a habit is tough.  It is a struggle.  My personal technique to change a habit may sound odd but I know it works.  I have used this technique and I am amazed at the results I got.  I know other people have also used this technique and it worked for them also.

The approach involves analysis.  The approach involves really looking at this habit and becoming and being aware of it.  Most habits are unconscious.  You just engage in them without much thought.  They are automatic.

You can change/eradicate a habit that is so automatic that you can barely control yourself.  The reason you can barely control yourself is because this is the only way you know how to react.  You can rack your brain for a new reaction but none come.  You are stuck.

That is another tip/insight about habits.  You are stuck with your habit.   You feel justified in reacting a certain way.  This is a habit you are stuck with.  So how do you get unstuck? 

Back to analysis.  First review what benefit this habit gives you.  Yes, habits you do not like have a secret benefit.  The benefit is not really a benefit but you see it as one in your warped thinking process.  Maybe you feel right about and with this habit.  Feeling right and justified is a strong motivator for a habit.

Here comes the example.  My friend, Julia has a husband that she is not too enchanted with.  The habit she is stuck in is sizing up her husband.  A habit does originate with a thought. 

Of course he does not size up well.  Due to this repeated habit/thought  she really can not see her husband in any light other than “bummy.”  Why?  Because she feels she is right and justified in her thinking.  Of course there is probably some truth in her thinking but most of it is false, stuck thinking.

Why?  Just because he was “bummy” at one time or in an area does not mean he is totally “bummy” and still being “bummy”  But Julia can not see this because she got into the habit of seeing her husband as “bummy.”  That is it.

Any time we discuss this she is closed minded.  She can not break the habit of seeing her husband as “bummy.”   Any time he does something Julia does not like her habit of seeing her husband as “bummy” is reinforced.  She is actually reinforcing her habit.  She would rather be right than open minded. 

She is now in dire need of reinforcement from herself to feel right about the habit of viewing her husband as “bummy.” 

She is stuck.  Without opening her mind she will be like this for life.  This will be a lifelong habit.  This could be you.

This is why it is important to analyze the habit you have chosen.  Julia gets a big secret benefit form this habit.  She is right, she is good and she is better than her husband.  The joke is how much better is she if she is comparing herself to a “bum?'”  She has probably never thought about that.  She is not conscious and she is on automatic.  She is acting out of habit.

Suppose Julia got conscious, aware and she analyzed this habit.  She would realize that her husband is not “bummy” 24/7. Once that happens she may review any time she resorts back to thinking her husband  is “bummy” .  She will stop herself and ask, “Is this really an indication of “bummy”?”  Next she will begin to think she is overreacting.  Yes we do overact to habits.  That also reinforces them. 

Once she has decided that she is overreacting she may go back and think about other times she may have overreacted.  Then comes the concept of giving up this automatic thinking.  This is the action and concept of pausing and thinking before she reacts.  Now she is on the path to breaking this habit. 

Pausing and thinking before reacting.  What a novel thought.  Yet we all do it and do not even think about it much.  Pausing and thinking can also be a habit. One you want to keep and do more of.  When we pause and think we are conscious.  We are sane.  When we react we are not sane. 

So now Julia is joining the conscious and sane.  She is aware.  She is pausing and thinking.  She is no longer reacting.  Major progress.

From this point on it is easy to control the habit.  You understand the habit.  You know you do it.  You stop reinforcing it.  You become enlightened.  You become aware of yourself and your automatic thought process that leads you to jump to conclusions.  You are freeing yourself from a habit that does not benefit you except in a convoluted way.  You are sane. 

I know this is not the “traditional” method for changing/breaking a habit.  I also know that you have probably tried a number of techniques to break/change a habit. 

I use the word break because I know that word is appealing.  Yet the truth is you do not break or eradicate a habit.  You replace it with one that is helpful and beneficial.  You get into a new habit that serves you.  If you view your self improvement this way you will find it easier to change/replace a habit.

Be brave.  Become willing to be a better you.  Get into the habit of being conscious.  Get into the habit of pausing and thinking.  Get into the habit of making your life work for you.  Get into the habit of making your life joyous.  Get into the habit of seeing and seeking the truth about yourself.  Once you start this you will find out that you are pretty interesting and exciting to know.

If you still need more help in changing a habit get it now here.

 Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

May 23, 2007 Posted by | assets, change, changing a habit, choice, education, how to succeed, self improvement, success | 3 Comments

“Self Esteem”

scan001322.jpg  Be careful what you wish for or ask for, you may get it.  Well I asked for comments and I got one that is a doozie. 

I got a question, “What is self esteem?”

What a question.  There have been times I have had discussions with my friends.  Eventually there would be a comment by one of them (never me) that “They do not have self esteem.”  I have learned when to keep my mouth shut so I never asked what they meant by the comment, “They do not have self esteem or they have low self esteem.”  The reason I kept my mouth shut was because I did not think they actually knew what that meant.

It seems to be one of those phrases that people like to say and that sounds good. 

So what do I think self esteem is?  For me it means accepting yourself.  So what does accepting yourself mean? 

Accepting yourself means you are in contact with yourself.  Here is a simple example.  I was taking a quiz with my daughter.  One of the questions was, “Do you touch people?”  I answered no.  My daughter said that was not true.  My answer to hear to her was to tap her and say, “No I don’t.” 

Then we laughed because I realized what she said was true and my answer was false.  But I really, truly did not know that.  I did not argue with her nor resist the truth.  I do touch people and I accepted that easily about myself. 

To me that is an example of self esteem.  Finding out about yourself and accepting what is true. 

Now just because something is true does not mean you can not change it if you choose.  However, I think if you want to pursue that path you will find your self esteem dwindling.  Why?  Because you are taking on a challenge you may or may not be able to accomplish.

Why not accept the fact that you will not be perfect?  Why not consider the idea that you have your assets and that is where you can excel?  Instead of changing what you are dissatisfied with why not review this?  You can get some insight and see if you can tame these traits.  Maybe make a slight adjustment.  Maybe just recognize that you do have these traits that you are not enthralled with. 

Instead of changing what you don’t like why not focus on what assets you have and develop them?  For me that would be a way to increase your self esteem.  Once you have an asset you can expand on it. 

I like the expression, “Good, better, best.  Make the good your better and make the better your best.”

To me self esteem means know what you have.  Work it to your advantage.  Appreciate it. 

Self esteem also means you know you have a choice how to act and behave.  You know you can always chose to be your personal best.  You know you can always choose the high road.  You also know that sometimes you will stumble.  Know yourself and accept that and pick yourself up and get back on your path. 

Review what you are displeased with.  Give it some thought.  Even if you feel it is taking over your life you can still focus on what you have and let that take over your life instead.  Why not take the path of least resistance?  Why not be a better you not a new revamped you? 

You do not have to believe me. Think back to when you tried to correct and change what you considered a defect or flaw.  How did that go?  How did it make you feel?  And how long did the correction last, if you actually got that far? 

Now think about when you started from a point of strength with an asset that you worked on.  The best example is to consider athletes.  They improve their performance.  They work on what they are strong at.  Of course they attempt to get past their weaknesses but any coach will tell you that the effort goes in where they are strong.  You put your effort where you will get the maximum results. 

The second part to self esteem is to accept others.  If you can not transform yourself why would you think you could transform someone else?  See people for what they are.  Imperfect just like you.  That creates a connection.  Look at people’s strengths instead of their weaknesses.  Connect with people on a level of acceptance not judgement. 

Self esteem also includes going with your instincts.  This is the intuitive way you connect with yourself and others.  If something does not feel right accept that. 

Self esteem and confidence seem to be intertwined.  They both come from the same place.  Know yourself, accept yourself, appreciate yourself, and focus on your assets.  Use the same definition when you are interacting with other people. 

Make a connection with yourself and others.  Respect what is true.  Keep an open mind.  Act responsibly.  If you can live your life in this fashion you will experience self esteem.  Also remember you are imperfect so at times you will not be in this state of grace.  That is fine as long as you are aware of this and get back to striving for this. 

This is what “self esteem” means to me.  I would love to hear what you think.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

May 22, 2007 Posted by | change, choice, competence, confidence, decision, self esteem, self improvement, shortcomings, success | 7 Comments


scan001321.jpg  I found some varied quotes on success.  Many people are quoted here from all walks of life.  Take a look at these quotes and see if they challenge, clarify or change your idea of success.

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
     –Vince Lambardi


Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.
     -Abraham Lincoln


What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
     –Albert Pike


The secret of joy in work is contained in one word — excellence.  To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.
     -Pearl S. Buck


Successful: coming about, taking place or turning out as hoped for.


Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
     -Winston Churchill


Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
     – General George Patton


It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.
     – Seneca


The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer… He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen.
     – Robert L. Schwartz


According to aerodynamic laws,  the bumblebee cannot fly.  Its body weight is not the right proportion to its wingspan.  Ignoring these laws, the bee flies anyway.
     – M. Sainte-Lague


Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
     – Helen Keller


You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.
     – Henry Ford


Hard work spotlights the character of people:  some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.
     – Sam Ewig


The art of resting the mind and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry is probably one of the secrets of our great men.
     – Captain J.A. Hatfield


Success will not lower its standard to us.  We must raise our standard to success.
     – Rev. Randall R. McBride, Jr.


It’s never too late to be who you might have been.
     – George Elliot


Talk does not cook rice.
     – Chinese Proverb


Rule your mind or it will rule you.
     – Horace


It is when the well is dry that we know the price of water.
     – Ben Franklin


Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.
     – George Halas


Attach yourself to your passion, but not to your pain.  Adversity is your best friend on the path to success.
     – unknown


A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.
     – Sidney Greenberg


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.
     – Paul Shane Spear


To achieve the impossible, one must think the absurd; to look where everyone else has looked, but to see what no else has seen.
     – unknown


A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.
     – Richard Nixon


Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.
     – Colin Powell


I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an army of 100 lions led by a sheep.
     – Talleyrand


The mind is like a parachute – it works only when it is open.
     – Unknown


Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar.
     – Ralph Waldo Emerson


I can not do everything, but I can do something.  I must not fail to do the something that I can do.
     – Helen Keller

Try not to be a man of success, but rather to be a man of value.
     – Albert Einstein


Motivation will almost always beat mere talent.
     – Norman R. Augustine


Unless a man undertakes more than he possibly can do, he will never do all that he can.
     – Henry Drummond


They may forget what you said, but they will never forget  how you make them feel.
     – Carol Buchner


Motivation will almost always beat mere talent.
     – Norman R. Augustine


Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down.
     – unknown


Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength.
     – Henry Ward Beecher


A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory.
     – Arthur Golden


Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
     – Samuel Johnson


Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
     – Theodore Roosevelt


Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue.
     – Francis Bacon


The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation…The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.
     – Jacob Bronowski


It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.
     – Vince Lombardi


One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.
     – Marie Currie


Any coward can fight a battle when he’s sure of winning; but give me the man who has the pluck to fight when he’s sure of losing.
     – George Eliot


Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
     – Thomas Edison


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
     – John C. Maxwell


The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.
     – William James


Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.               
     – Henry Ford


After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.
     – Italian Proverb


Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
     – Abraham Lincoln


What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?
     – Robert Schuller


We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.
     – B.J. Palmer


The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.
     – Confucius


What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside you.
     – Wayne Dyer


Empowerment is all about letting go so that others can get going.
     – Kenneth Blanchard


Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.
      – Malcolm Forbes


Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.
     – Cherie Carter-Scott


Not every successful man is a good father.  But every good father is a successful man.
     – R. Duvall


I talk and talk and talk, and I haven’t taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week.
     – Mario Cuomo


The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal.  The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.
     – Benjamin Mays


Victory belongs to the most persevering.
     – Napoleon


If you are to be, you must begin by assuming responsibility.  You alone are responsible for every moment of your life, for every one of your acts.
     – Antoine de Saint-Exupery


To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity.  We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way.  We can never let up.
     – Ralph Bunche


I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
     – Christopher Reeve


Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
     – Anonymous


The real contest is always between what you’ve done and what you’re capable of doing.  You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else.
     – Geoffrey Gaberino


Success is never final. Failure is never fatal.  Courage is what counts.
     –Sir Winston Churchill


Visit here to succeed.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

May 21, 2007 Posted by | assets, choice, competence, confidence, how to succeed, self improvement, success | 4 Comments

70 Million


Do you want to send e mail to 70,000 million targeted opt ins monthly?  That is 2.3 million subscribers every day. 

This is all yours for a one small fee.   This is a lifetime membership.  Pay once and e mail every day. 

Learn more here.

 Marica, Your Confidence Coach

May 19, 2007 Posted by | how to succeed, success | 2 Comments

Your Resume and Interview

scan001320.jpg   I am amazed at how people present themselves at job interviews.  Skills are important but in the end an employer hires a person.  They hire a person that they can get along with and that will fit into the office milieu. 

Your resume.  I bet you think no one really looks to closely at your resume.  Not true. Someone does.  Make sure your resume is top notch.  No typos.  Stick to one page.  Summer and school jobs are not necessary.  If you want to let the company know you are a hard worker you can put a statement on your resume that you had various jobs during the summers and during school and that information will be available upon request. 

The format you choose for your resume is up for grabs.  What is important is that it is easy to read and you list your current jobs first.  Last jobs go last. 

When you write your resume think of how you want to present yourself.  Your resume should be an outline of your accomplishments.  You can provide the details at the interview.  Do not load your resume with BS.  Employers can see through that.

Have someone review your resume for typos or anything that might be unprofessional, over embellished, too long or BS. 

I do not believe that the paper your resume is on is important.  Regular paper is fine.  Don’t waste money on fancy paper.

A cover letter should be provided with your resume.  It should be brief.  It should include the position you are applying for.  Also a sentence why hiring you would benefit the company and why you would shine in the position you are applying for. 

Before you interview research the company you are applying to.  Know some facts about the company. During the interview try to incorporate these facts into your answers.  Evaluate where you have skills related to these facts and let the interviewer know this.  For example if the company has a reputation for excellent customer service discuss how this is important to you and how you have top notch customer service skills.

Turn off your cell phone before you enter the interview room. 

 Once you get an interview dress professionally.  Over dressed is better than underdressed.  No jeans, no untucked shirts, no cleavage no tee shrits, and no clanky jewelry.  Causual is not the way to go.  Professional work attire is the way to go.  You want the interviewer to make contact with you not your attire. 

If you are over dressed the interviewer will not take points off for that.  If you are under dressed or poorly dressed you are done.  You will lose the position due to your attire. 

Be aware of your speech habits.  Do not talk quickly.  You want to be understood.  No slang and gangster talk.  Think before you answer a question.  No fidgeting.  Make eye contact. 

Be confident, be professional. 

The best way to answer a question is with brevity.  Talk about how you can provide benefits to the company based on your skills and past job duties.  Do not brag but rather highlightht yourself in the best possible way.  Express how you would fit into the company.  Do not offer your opinion.  Try to discuss facts only. 

Do not appear stiff but on the other hand do not get buddy buddy.  Do not get relaxed and casual with the interviewer. Things may slip out that are inappropriate.    Keep reminding yourself this is an interview for a professional position. 

Ask questions when it is your turn.  Be prepared.  If there is a second interview that is the time to discuss salary. 

When the interview winds down thank the interviewer and reiterate how much you would like the position and how you would fit into the company and the position.  Make it short but be sure to make a last(ing) impression.

No matter how well you think the interview went keep applying for other positions.  Never count your chickens before they hatch.  And you may find a better position to apply for.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

May 18, 2007 Posted by | how to succeed, work, work attire | 2 Comments

Average Joe Income Package


The Average Joe Income Package has been around for a while.  I was thinking about the title.

The title “Average Joe Income Package” did not appeal to me.  Does anyone want to be average?  Then I went past my resistance of the title and looked at the product. 

The title suddenly seemed good to me.  The Average Joe Income Package is for beginners.  You can be average and succeed.  That is a good concept.  If you hadto be a super star to succeed on the internet that would probably eliminate most of us.  We all start on line marketing as average, beginners, needing to learn.

We all need a detailed system to show us how to get started.  That is what The Average Joe Income Package is.  It contains videos and text.  It also is updated via e mails and a website.  That is very important.  The internet changes in a flash.  You need to know the current updated info. 

Once you get this excellent package watch the videos and read the text before you start.  You need to soak up the knowledge in order to implement it.  Once you have done that you can get rocking. 

Start average and turn out super.  That is a good deal. 

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

May 17, 2007 Posted by | average joe income package, home business, how to succeed, internet marketing, success, work at home, work at home business | 12 Comments

What do Other People Say About You


Do you wonder what other people say about you?  Do you wonder what other people think about you?  Do you really want to know?

This is a common compulsion.  I call it a compulsion because no good will really come from it.  It is one of those deceptive questions that can occupy your mind.  It is one of those questions that does not need to asked.  The real question you should be asking is, “What do you think about yourself?”

Suppose you could find out what someone is saying about you.  Maybe it is complimentary.  That will probably make you feel happy for a minute.  It will not impact your life.  It will not be earth shattering. 

Suppose someone said some negative things about you.  That will probably get a more intense reaction.  You will probably want to correct them.  You will want to defend yourself.  You will have a judgement about how wrong and ignorant the other person is.  You may feel hurt, angry, insulted.  You may even agree with them and get down on yourself.  It could alter your relationship with them and others.  And they could be off base.

Should someone’s perception and opinion of you matter?  I would say the answer to that would depend on how you react to this information.  If you can step a back and look at it objectively then perhaps you can get some insight.  If you are going to react and freak out then better you do not know.  There will be no value to you hearing this info.  It will put you on an emotional roller coaster.

So what do you say about yourself?  What do you think about yourself?  This is a deep question.  Perhaps you have pondered it.  Perhaps you have conditioned yourself to think poorly about yourself.  Perhaps you are riddled with negativity.  Perhaps you do not measure up to your own standards. 

Is your perception and opinion accurate?  Most likely not yet you live your life as it it were true.  Can you be objective about yourself?  Probably not. 

So how do you get in touch with yourself, the real you? 

The first way is to add some positive feedback to your conversations with yourself.  If you can do that it will open a door to seeing yourself differently.

You need to start to weed out the untruths.  These are things that you automatically think about yourself.  An automatic thought is an unexamined thought.  They can be positive or negative thoughts.  Once they become automatic they are misleading thoughts. 

You need to re create the image you have of yourself.  Once you can examine the automatic thoughts you will start to see the image you have created of yourself.  You need to let go of that image and start to put a new one in its place. 

This new image will be one that is rich in complexities.  If you can define yourself in four words you are missing out on a big part of yourself. 

To learn more about this and to learn how to do this in minimal time please check this out.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

May 16, 2007 Posted by | assets, change, choice, confidence, knowledge, self improvement | 4 Comments

Online Marketers – Work Smart

scan001316.jpg   A long time ago I learned the expression,  “You can work hard or you can work smart.”  That expression appealed to me.  I am not opposed to working hard for what I want.  However, working hard can sometimes impede and slow down your path to success.  Sometimes you need to work smart not hard. 

The best way to put that statement in perspective is to think of the extreme.  Being lazy and working on and off is not the way to reach your goals in any quick amount of time.  You may get there but I doubt it.  You will probably loose interest along the way.  How long can you wait to reach your goal? 

Working on and off and being lazy probably means you are not goal oriented.  So it will be hit or miss for you.  Also you will have a difficult time reviewing where you are at, where you came from ,what you have accomplished and what still needs to be done.  If you need to change your path and plans it will also be hard to access that.  Lastly working on and off means you are lacking a plan and a formula.  You are really not into what you are doing.

Working hard will be involved on your path to success.  I know that for some people this is a turn off.  Sorry but I have to be truthful.  However, at some point you will be confronted with the choice to work hard or work smart. 

Working smart means you make a choice to do a task in an easier more efficient way. 

Here is an example.  You are going to write a report.  You spend time researching and writing that report.  You work hard.  You have someone review your report and they do not think it is on target.  You will have to re do most of the report. You are surprised and disappointed.  You worked hard on that report. But you did not work smart.

If you worked smart you would have taken some time to think about what you wanted to accomplish with the report.  You would have formulated what the point of the report is.  If you did that one step before writing you would be working smart.  The report would practically write itself because you know what you want to say.  And you would not need to re do the report. It would be done in on shot.

Another example is to use a product to automate what you are doing.   If you are going to do a repetitive task why do it over each time?  Why not get a system to do it for you?   Do it once and then it will be done for you over and over. 

Working smart also gives you added enthusiasm.  It allows you to increase your productivity.  It also allows you to increase your free time. The value to you is huge. 

Working smart means working less hours if you can streamline or automate a process.

Before you can work smart you need to find the areas where you can do this.  Can you hire someone to do some of these things?  That is working smart.  Can you purchase and use a product to help you work smart? 

Upon your review you will discover that there are many areas of your business as well as personal life where you can work smart instead of hard.

Online marketers you know exactly what I am talking about.  You spend many hours a day doing repetitive tasks.  You know your time could be better spent. You know you should be working smart.  You want to work smart. 

To get you on the path to working smart I have a software package  for you.  I have told you about the Marketing Maniac.  He may be a maniac but he knows how to work smart. 


Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

May 15, 2007 Posted by | home business, how to succeed, internet marketing, organizing your home businesss, self improvement, work at home, work at home business | 3 Comments

6 Blogs I Tagged

  scan001315.jpg  A few days ago I got tagged.  It is a blogging thing.  A blogger tags your blog.  That means they chose your blog because they liked it.  Once you are tagged you are requested to answer whatever the tag questions are.  The last tag I had was to answer 7 (persons) questions about myself.  The second part of the the tag is for me to tag 7 other bloggers. 

I was not enthralled with the topic  because I do not like not write about myself for the sake of writing about myself. 

I will write about myself if it relates to a topic I am writing about. 

I sucked it up and did part one; answering the 7 questions.

Finding 7 bloggers to tag required some research on my part.  I do read a lot of blogs but I am not a daily reader of any group of blogs.    I think there is a lot of blog brilliance on the net. 

I also needed to find blogs on our topic here – abetteryou.  There are a lot of blogs to choose from.  However, if I am going to make a recommendation I want to make sure I choose wisely.  So for the past few days I have been reviewing blogs.   That is why it has taken me some time to find 6 blogs to tag.

So here are the 6 blogs I have tagged.  Visit them and let me know what you think.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

May 15, 2007 Posted by | how to succeed | 3 Comments