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Cut Your Losses


Cut Your Losses

How many times did you embark on a project?  How many times did you think you had a brilliant idea for this project?  How many times did this brilliant idea not produce the results you expected?  How many times did you continue on this course of action despite the fact it was not working?

This is a common experience.  We all have had a project (work or personal) that we worked on.  We all at one time or another had a brilliant idea about a project.  We all saw this brilliant idea not producing brilliant results.  This is the turning point.  This is where the successful and unsuccessful part company.  

The successful did not continue on this course of action.  The successful did not continue on a course of action that was not working, no matter how brilliant they believed this course of action would be.  The successful went back to the drawing board and came up with a new, different course of action.  The successful cut their losses. 

Let’s dissect what happens when you refuse to cut your losses.  Let’s dissect what happens when you believe you are on a brilliant course of action.  Let’s dissect what happens when this brilliant course of action is not brilliant. 

When you devise a brilliant course of action you may become invested in it. This brilliant course of action becomes intertwined with you.  You are no longer objective.  You take a subjective view of this brilliant course of action.  This is a no no.  You can not become invested in something that is not working.   You have to give it up if you want to succeed.  You have to cut your losses.  This does not mean that “you” failed.  This only means “an idea” failed.  There is a difference between you and an idea.  An idea is not you.  It is just an idea. 

This is how the successful think.  They are not invested in an idea that is not producing results.  They do not feel like they are failures.  They know the idea failed.  They go back to the drawing board and come up with another idea.  Successful people are objective.  They are not subjective.  Successful people are testers. Successful people use what works and discard what does not work.  Successful people are open to finding out what works.  Successful people know that not every idea will be a success.  Successful people know that ideas may fail from time to time.  Successful people know that if an idea fails they can come up with another idea.  Successful people look at their ideas objectively. 

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Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

February 9, 2007 - Posted by | decision, success

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